Why Raw food

Hold the biscuit making for a moment.

Six Irresistible

Raw Cat food Benefits

A raw diet mimics what your house kitty would eat if it was in the wild. There are many benefits of raw cat food to share but that would be a list longer than a cat's tail.

In a nutshell, these are the six main ones that got us and many other pawrents to switch.

Every beloved Kitty deserves to eat right

Keeps the vet away

Commercially made dry and canned food are cooked at high heat, degrading the ingredients.

Meanwhile, raw food is packed with the natural goodness of minerals and vitamins—giving your kitty the needed nutrients for super health and a strong immune system.

On a raw diet, you'll find your kitty with fewer illnesses and more energy, making this a key benefit of raw food.

A raw (roar) a day keeps the doc away!


Being an obligate carnivore, your cat will never survive without eating meat. They have no need for carbohydrates and vegetables

Unlike dogs and us who have more than one enzyme system to digest carbohydrates, cats only have one. It's quite clear who's the true carnivore here!

Your cat is designed to digest meat and having a 100% meat diet means they'll be a digesting machine!


Better digestion



Raw cat food has a high water content of at least 60%, unlike carbohydrate-heavy and low-moisture cat food, especially kibble.

A dry diet causes dehydration and alkaline urine which leads to bacteria build-up in the urinary tract and FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease).

Making sure your kitty drinks enough water is tough. You don't have to worry about that with a raw diet as it provides enough fluids for your kitty to drizzle the litter box daily!

Less smelly Litter box


Other cat food contains carbohydrates and fillers that are hard for your kitty to digest. They come out as big, wet, and stinky stools.

Just like us humans—stools reflect your diet. When your cat has the right diet (raw food), the body absorbs most of the nutrients, passing out smaller and less smelly stools. This is a stinking good raw cat food benefit.

Happy litter box cleaning!

Lush coat


To have good skin and rid problematic ones, your kitty needs fatty acids, omega-3, and omega-6.

Raw cat food has these essential nutrients to make your kitty's coat healthier, thicker, and softer. You'll also notice lesser shedding, which means lesser hairballs too!

Clean teeth
and breath


Typical commercial cat food contains carbohydrates which are like cigarettes for your cat's teeth and breath. They create a starchy film on the teeth, causing plaque buildup and gum disease.

Bone, skin, and meat chunks in raw food are nature's toothbrush for your kitty. Goodbye 'bad' cat breath!

Ready for your kitty to go
raw (Roar)?